ES File Explorer Mod Apk V4. (Premium Unlocked)
ES File Explorer Mod Apk V4. (Premium Unlocked)

ES File Explorer APK + MOD Premium Unlocked/No Ads v4.

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Overview Information

Name ES File Explorer
Publisher Es Global
Category Tools
Size 52 MB
Requires Android 4.4
MOD Features Premium Unlocked/No Ads
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File Manager is the best file explorer. It allows to manage your SD card

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With the multitude of files, documents, and media that we accumulate, having a reliable and feature-rich file explorer app becomes crucial. This is where ES File Explorer Mod Apk comes in handy, offering a versatile and customized solution for all your file management needs.

ES File Explorer offers a simple yet effective way to organize and manage your files. Whether it’s categorizing documents, sorting photos, or arranging music files, the app provides a user-friendly interface to help you stay on top of your digital clutter.

Features of ES File Explorer Mod Apk

1. File Organization and Management Made Easy

ES File Explorer is designed with simplicity in mind. It enables users to create, rename, and organize files and folders with just a few taps. This feature alone makes it a powerful tool for anyone looking to maintain a clutter-free digital space.

2. Built-In File Compression and Extraction

The app comes equipped with a built-in file compression and extraction tool. You can easily compress large files into zip formats for efficient storage and shareability. Conversely, extracting files from compressed folders is a breeze.

3. Cloud Storage Integration for Seamless Accessibility

ES File Explorer recognizes the importance of cloud storage. It seamlessly integrates with popular services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, allowing you to access your files from anywhere with an internet connection.

4. Enhanced User Interface

ES File Explorer Mod Apk boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of navigating through your files. The modded version enhances the app’s aesthetics and provides a more engaging experience.

The app’s interface features quick-access shortcuts that allow you to perform common actions with ease. Whether it’s creating a new folder, searching for files, or managing your cloud storage, these shortcuts enhance your productivity.

5. Advanced File Searching and Sorting Options

Searching for specific files can be a time-consuming task, especially when dealing with a large number of files. The modded APK introduces advanced search filters and sorting options, enabling you to locate your files quickly based on various criteria like file type, size, and date.

6. Customization Features for Aesthetics and Functionality

Personalization is key to making any app truly yours. With ES File Explorer Mod ApkK, you can customize the app’s appearance by choosing from a range of themes and visual styles. Additionally, you can set default folder preferences for a seamless experience.

7. Efficient File Organization

Creating and Managing Folders

Creating new folders within ES File Explorer is a straightforward process. You can group similar files together, making it easier to locate and manage them.

Copying, Moving, and Deleting Files

The app offers intuitive file management options. You can copy files to different locations, move them between folders, and delete files that are no longer needed.

Batch Operations for Productivity

One of the standout features of ES File Explorer is its support for batch operations. This means you can select multiple files at once and perform actions like copying, moving, or deleting them simultaneously, saving you time and effort.

8. Advanced File Operations

Built-In Text Editor and Viewer

ES File Explorer goes beyond basic file management by including a built-in text editor and viewer. This is particularly handy when you need to make quick edits to text files on the go.

Media Player and Image Viewer

The app also acts as a media player and image viewer, allowing you to enjoy your multimedia content without switching to different applications.

Extracting and Compressing Files

With the file compression and extraction tool, you can easily compress multiple files into a single zip folder or extract files from existing archives.

9. Cloud Storage Integration

Connecting to Cloud Storage Services

ES File Explorer seamlessly integrates with various cloud storage services. By linking your accounts, you can access, upload, and download files from your cloud storage directly within the app.

Uploading, Downloading, and Syncing Files

Uploading files to your cloud storage or downloading them to your device is a seamless process. Changes made to files in your cloud storage are automatically synced across devices.

Managing Files Across Different Platforms

Whether you’re on your mobile device or computer, ES File Explorer ensures your files are accessible and consistent across different platforms.

10. App and File Backup

Backing Up Apps and Data

The app backup feature is particularly useful when you’re switching devices or performing a factory reset. It backs up your installed apps along with their data.

Restoring Backups When Needed

Restoring apps and data from backups is a straightforward process, ensuring you don’t lose valuable information during device transitions.

Ensuring Data Security through Backups

Regular backups not only provide convenience but also serve as a safeguard against data loss caused by device issues or accidental deletions.

11. Task Manager and System Cleaner

Monitoring and Managing Running Apps

The task manager lets you view and manage apps that are currently running in the background. This can help improve device performance and battery life.

Clearing Cache and Optimizing Device Performance

The system cleaner feature scans your device for cached files and unnecessary data. By clearing this clutter, you can optimize your device’s speed and functionality.

Streamlining Device Functionality

By actively managing running apps and clearing cache, you can ensure your device operates smoothly and efficiently.

12. Security and Privacy Features

App Lock and Encryption

ES File Explorer offers an app lock feature that allows you to password-protect the app itself. This adds an extra layer of security, especially if you’re dealing with sensitive files.

Managing App Permissions

The app provides control over app permissions, giving you the ability to decide which apps have access to specific features on your device.

Protecting Sensitive Data

With the app’s security features, you can confidently store and manage sensitive information without worrying about unauthorized access.


ES File Explorer stands as a versatile and feature-rich solution for managing files on your mobile device. From efficient file organization to seamless cloud storage integration and performance optimization tools, the app streamlines your digital life. By harnessing its capabilities, you can take control of your files and streamline your mobile experience.

For those seeking a comprehensive file management app that combines simplicity with advanced features, ES File Explorer proves to be a valuable addition to your digital toolkit.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is ES File Explorer free to use?

Yes, ES File Explorer is available for free on the Google Play Store.

Can I use ES File Explorer to manage files on my computer?

While ES File Explorer is primarily designed for mobile devices, you can also use it to manage files on computers through network connections.

How secure is ES File Explorer for sensitive documents?

ES File Explorer offers security features like app lock and encryption to protect sensitive files. However, it’s always advisable to exercise caution when dealing with confidential data.

Does the app work offline?

ES File Explorer requires an internet connection for cloud storage access and certain features. However, basic file management functions can be performed offline.

What sets ES File Explorer apart from other file management apps?

ES File Explorer distinguishes itself with its comprehensive feature set, including file organization, cloud integration, app and file backup, and system optimization tools.

Is Es File Explorer Mod APK safe to use?

Yes, as long as you download the modded APK from a trusted source and follow standard security practices.

Can I revert to the original version if needed?

Yes, you can uninstall the modded APK and install the official version from the app store.

How frequently is the modded app updated?

Updates can vary, so it’s recommended to stay connected to the modding community for the latest versions.

Does the app support network storage devices?

Yes, many versions of the app offer support for network-attached storage (NAS) devices.

Are there any potential legal concerns with using modded APKs?

Using modded APKs may violate terms of service for certain apps, so be aware of the legal implications.

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